Resveratrol in Wine | What Are The Benefits?

Resveratrol - the natural phenol found in red wine which gives wine its healthy boost.

resveratrol in wine

Why is red wine healthier than white wine

Although both white and red wine boast an array of health benefits, red wine packs a large amount of antioxidants, in particular, red wine has one thing that white wine doesn’t. That thing is resveratrol.

Resveratrol is found within grape skins, because white wine doesn’t use grape skins and red wine relays heavily on grape skins is the difference that puts red wine ahead of the curve in terms of healthier booze options.

This is a subject I’ve covered in detail before which can be found here.

In that article I cover the numerous health benefits of red wine, one word that keeps propping up is resveratrol. Leading people to wonder what exactly this is. Due to that and the reason I’ve recently partnered up with the good folks at Groove a resveratrol supplement I figured it was due time I brought back the subject of health and red wine with a focus on the main thing making it healthy… Resveratrol.

What is Resveratrol

First an foremost I would like to thank my good friends at Groove. They create a resveratrol supplement and support Smartblend by sponsoring my resveratrol and red wine content such as this one. Which allows me to dig in deeper and write more about this topic. You can learn more about them here.

But what exactly is resveratrol? Resveratrol is a plant compound that acts like an antioxidant. An natural phenol found in such foods as blueberries, chocolate and as mentioned, most concentrated in grape skins. 

Studies have shown that taking resveratrol daily for a prolonged period of time can have a massively beneficial effect on the body. From skin care to blood pressure and everything in between, resveratrol is a true “cure all” You can learn more about the benefits of resveratrol with this article on the benefits of resveratrol supplements.

The benefits of resveratrol in Wine 

Out of all the benefits of red wine, there are 4 main areas which are benefited by the inclusion of resveratrol, which are; heart health, brain function, skincare and weight loss. Although studies are not definitive. Research shows a strong indication that the inclusion of red wine in your diet, can have a positive effect on all these areas.

So lets jump into how and why resveratrol in red wine effects these things. Which you can do by continuing to read on or by checking out this video I did for this post found here on Youtube.

#1 Heart Health

Back in the 1980s a term known as the “French Paradox” was coined. This refers to the fact that despite French people having diets that are high in saturated fats, they have relatively low levels of heart disease.. 

Researches came to the conclusion that one of the reasons this paradox could exist is because France is the largest consumer of red wine. With red wine having high levels of antioxidants, that could go along way in balancing out the negative effects of saturated fats.

Resveratrol in particular is known for lowering blood pressure, which could explain why people with diets consisting of red wine tend to have overall healthier hearts.

#2 Brain Function

With the lowering of blood pressure, you don’t just benefit with a healthier heart, you also benefit with a healthier brain. Better blood flow to the brain helps against developing harmful plaque from developing.

This means your brain functions better over all. Fighting against age related memory decline. Studies in this area took place where researchers gave women in there 70s memory quizzes, those who drank one drink or more every day scored much better than those who drank less or not at all.

#3 Skincare

Polyphenols like Resveratrol are beneficial for skin health because they aid in repairing damaged skin whilst at the same time strengthening the skin. This boosts your overall skin health and curves that unavoidable skin aging process. Making resveratrol supplements a powerhouse for anti-aging and a glowing complexion.

#4 Weight Loss

Weight loss, the one everyone wants to know about. Does red wine help you lose weight? The jury is still out on this. Research has been done that shows that resveratrol can actively help in transforming stubborn white fat, into burnable brown fat.

As well as this, there has been another study at Harvard where researchers examined 20,000 women over 13 years and saw that those who drank two glasses of wine daily were 70% less likely to be overweight.

As you can tell, there's no definitive answer here. Lots of research and studies have shown that red wine can be beneficial for overall health. But there is a counter argument here. So lets address to the elephant in the room…

The issue with drinking red wine for health

So its safe to say that red wine does have a large amount of attractive health benefits. However, at the end of the day, what we must remember is red wine is still an alcoholic beverage. Which in its self, also boasts an array of health issues. Its one thing to say having resveratrol every day is going to go along way to making you healthy, its another thing to say drinking red wine everyday will make you healthy.

The fact is that a bottle of red wine may have around 1-3mg of resveratrol. To really feel these benefits you would have to drink more then a whole bottle of red wine every day for a prolonged period of time. There is a term for people who drink more then a bottle of wine everyday for a prolonged period of time, and that’s a problematic drinker…

It’s all about moderation. Drinking red wine for the health benefits just isn’t going to work. Its best to realise that a small amount of red wine isn’t going to make you lose weight, make your skin glow or help your immunity. But at the same time, a small amount of red wine isn’t going to negatively affect your health. 

Meaning you can still enjoy red wine and live a healthier lifestyle, you could in theory have a bottle of red wine every week and still live an extremely healthier lifestyle. It’s all about finding the balance. 

How to reap the benefits of red wine

To really reap these benefits of red wine is to take away the alcohol and the negatives attached with alcohol to be left with the resveratrol. Which you can do with supplements like Grooves Oh Grape.

Oh grape is basically the health benefits of red wine without the negatives. 2 Capsules of Oh Grape has 500mg of resveratrol, as well as a dose of Vitamin D3 and Magnesium. By the way, the dose of resveratrol is the same amount as over 100 litres of red wine.

The best thing you can do to reap those health benefits of red wine is to take Oh Grape daily and to drink red wine in moderation for your own mental health, the fact you like the flavours, the fact you enjoy the process of picking a nice bottle and cracking it open.

If that wasn’t enough, then get this, You’ve heard of the ‘Emperors New Groove’ right? How about Oh Grapes New Groove?..

The brainy folk at Groove have recently added a premium addition to Oh Grape! Oh Grape Premium Plus is a supercharged version of the original Oh Grape, and the most efficient way to reap the benefits of this supplement. It includes a new trans-resveratrol/piperine blend for quicker absorption and zinc. These additions make Oh Grape Premium an all rounder when it comes to health and a strong immune system. Check out the new look and benefits below.

Did I mention the code “smartblend” will get you 25% off any purchase! Just add it to the check out page and reap the rewards of big savings and either bigger health benefits.

Author profile.

Hi, I’m Cameron, Guv’nor of Smartblend and author of this article. If you’ve had a good read, don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter below. I’ve got some interesting things coming this year and I would love to tell you fist!

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