Super Spinach Pancakes | Jamie Oliver Recipe

Jamie Oliver Super Spinach Pancakes cover image.

Vibrant green vegetarian packed pancakes from Jamie Oliver's 'Veg' cookbook.

The perfect healthy and delicious breakfast recipe

I love these little pancakes, I really do. I’ve never really been massively into pancakes truth be told. I always find them somewhat dull. But there's nothing dull about a bright green pancake that’s for sure!

These little beauties are bright green, packed full of healthy spinach and quick to make. The ultimate breakfast recipe. Score!

This recipe comes straight from Jamie Oliver's Veg cookbook. His flavour packed vegetarian cookbook. But more on that a little later!

Super spinach pancakes recipe by Jamie Oliver.

My cookbook mission!

Recently I’ve been on a cookbook mission. Let me explain… I’ve got a small collection of cookbooks which I have been flipping through and cooking from religiously. With the aim to share all the best recipes right here on Smartblend. 

From Jamie Oliver’s collection I’ve so far shared a few recipes from his Veg cookbook which this super spinach pancakes recipe comes from. As well as his more recently released and a personal favourite of mine, 7 Ways.

Below are the Jamie Oliver cookbook recipes I’ve shared so far;

About the Jamie Oliver Veg Cookbook

Veg is Jamie Oliver’s flavour-packed, easy to follow, delicious vegetarian cookbook. From simple suppers to family favourites this cookbook is packed with amazing meal recipes, all of which are vegetarian.  

As the big man himself says “It's all about celebrating really good, tasty food that just happens to be meat-free.” Jamie Oliver

You can pick the book up on amazon US here or amazon UK here to try out all the recipes for yourself.

Jamie Oliver Veg Cookbook from Amazon

Jamie Oliver Veg Cookbook from Amazon

Step by step Spinach Pancakes with photos

1) Halve, destone, peel and finely slice the avocado and quarter the tomatoes, then place in a salad bowl with a quarter of the spinach. Trim, finely slice and add the spring onions and pick in the coriander leaves, then squeeze over the lime juice.

Drizzle with 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, season to perfection with sea salt and black pepper, toss to coat and put aside.

pancake salsa.JPG

2) Crack the egg into a blender, add the flour, milk, remaining spinach and a pinch of salt and pepper, then blitz until smooth. 

blended pancake batter.

3) Place a large non-stick frying pan on a medium heat, rub the pan with a little olive oil, then pour in a thin layer of batter, swirling it up and around the edges.

Cook on one side only for 2 minutes, or until lightly golden, then stack up on a serving plate and repeat.

Spinach pancakes cooking.

4) Top each pancake with dollops of cottage cheese, the avocado salad, and a few good shakes of chilli sauce. Serve with extra lime wedges for squeezing over and a fried egg on top if you fancy.

Cooked pancakes serving

Spinach Pancakes Recipe

Super Spinach Pancakes

Super Spinach Pancakes

Yield: 6
Author: Cameron Fielding
Prep time: 20 MinCook time: 5 MinTotal time: 25 Min
Vibrant green vegetarian packed pancakes from Jamie Oliver's 'Veg' cookbook.



  1. Halve, destone, peel and finely slice the avocado and quarter the tomatoes, then place in a salad bowl with a quarter of the spinach.
  2. Trim, finely slice and add the spring onions, pick in the coriander leaves, then squeeze over the lime juice.
  3. Drizzle with 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, season to perfection with sea salt and black pepper, toss to coat and put aside.
  4. Crack the egg into a blender, add the flour, milk, remaining spinach and a pinch of salt and pepper, then blitz until smooth.
  5. Place a large non-stick frying pan on a medium heat, rub the pan with a little olive oil, then pour in a thin layer of batter, swirling it up and around the edges.
  6. Cook on one side only for 2 minutes, or until lightly golden, then stack up on a serving plate and repeat.
  7. Top each pancake with dollops of cottage cheese, the avocado salad, and a few good shakes of chilli sauce. Serve with extra lime wedges for squeezing over and a fried egg on top if you fancy.


Top Tip

Instead of spinach you can use a mixture of soft herbs, such as parsley, mint, basil or tarragon - whatever you like!

Nutrition Facts





Sat. Fat






Net carbs










The nutritional information shown is an estimate provided by an online nutrition calculator. It should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist’s advice. See our full nutrition disclosure here.

healthy breakfast recipes, jamie oliver, spinach pancakes, green food
Author profile image.

Hi, I’m Cameron, guv’nor of Smartblend. If you liked this then you’re in luck, I have a bunch more recipes like it. I share only vegetarian and pescatarian food recipes, cocktails, and drink guides with a sprinkling of wellness and mindful drinking. If that sounds like you, then stick around!

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