Spaghetti-wrapped fish recipe Jamie Oliver 7 Ways

Spaghetti-wrapped fish with tomato pesto and spinach, recipe by Jamie Oliver from his 7 Ways cookbook.

Jamie oliver spaghetti wrapped cod - 7 ways

Spaghetti-wrapped fish, have you ever heard of anything so bizarre? What a strange concept to come up with. I’m here for it though. This recipe comes from Jamie Oliver’s most recent cookbook 7 Ways. It’s one of Jamie Oliver’s most popular cookbooks which I’ve made many recipes from, some I’ve shared right here on Smartblend.

When I seen this recipe for fish wrapped in spaghetti I just had to try it out. Its pretty easy to make however quite fiddly. It also happens to be healthy at around 342 calories per serving and around 31.2g of protein depending on what fish you use.

So considering I’m at the end of a 3 month health kick I figured it was just healthy enough and just quirky enough to keep me motivated. Above all, it’s delicious!

7 Ways by Jamie Oliver

As I mentioned, full credit for this recipe goes to Jamie Oliver as its directly from his 7 Ways cookbook. If you’re yet to of heard about this cookbook allow me to briefly explain.

This is Jamie Oliver’s newest cookbook, where he takes accessible and popular ingredients and shows you 7 ways to cook a meal with that ingredient. This recipe comes from the white fish section where he also has recipes for fishcakes, a fish curry, fish and chips, a fish bake, fish pasta and a quick white fish tagine.

How to make Jamie Olivers Spaghetti-wrapped fish step by step

Below is a step by step on exactly how to make this meal. If you just want the full ingredients and method bullet pointed then scroll right to the bottom. This recipe serves 2 and takes a total of around 25 minutes from start to finish.


  • 60g Dried spaghetti

  • 2 x 125g white fish fillets

  • 1 tbsp Sun-dried tomato pesto

  • 2 Small sprigs of rosemary

  • 4 Spring onions

  • 200g Baby spinach

  • 2 tbsp Creme fraiche

In the book this recipe also includes 2 rashers of smoked streaky bacon but as I do not eat bacon, I will be leaving that as an option ingredient for you to add or not add.

Now, onto the method.

Step by step method

The first thing you want to do is preheat your grill to high. Whilst the grill is pre-heating, cook your spaghetti in a pan of boiling salted water. This should take around 9 minutes but use the packet instructions.

Spaghetti cooking

Once your spaghetti has cooked, drain it whilst running it under cold water to cool. Then we will move on over to the fish fillets. Any white fish will work, non is specified but I used cod.

Cod is an easy fish to cook and it isn’t too flaky. Which is important as you will learn when it comes to wrapping it in spaghetti.

Pat your fish dry with a paper towel to prepare for seasoning.

cod step one.JPG

Now for the seasoning. Season your fish with sea salt and black pepper. Then rub it all over with the pesto. Make sure that whole fish is covered with seasonings and delicious sun-dried tomato pesto.

cod step two.JPG
cod step three.JPG

So far, very easy. Now onto the fiddly bit, the spaghetti wrapping.

Divide your spaghetti into two equal piles and begin wrapping your fish with the spaghetti.

You want your spaghetti to be wrapped around tied it a knot. This is the frustrating bit, the wrapping is quite easy. Just lay out your spaghetti and place the fish about 1/4 down the spaghetti strands then flip the longer end over. Consider your fish wrapped. But now you have to tie it in a knot.

It sounds easy but believe me its frustrating. The spaghetti will be wet and slippery. Trying to divide them in two even piles is a task on its own then you have to tie them in a knot? So frustrating.

But don’t worry. Once you’ve done one the other one comes pretty easily.

Spaghetti wrapped cod

Once you’ve wrapped and secured your fish in a nice neat spaghetti scarf, you want to place them on a well oiled baking tray.

Then turn the rosemary sprigs in the oil which is in the tray to coat them with and tuck them under your spaghetti.

Grill for 10 minutes, or until golden and the fish is just cooked through.

Spaghetti wrapped white fish ready for grilling

Meanwhile whilst your fish is grilling, finely slice your bacon if using and place it in a large non-stick frying pan on a medium heat to crisp up while you trim the spring onions and slice them 1 cm thick. Spoon out the crispy bacon, leaving the pan on the heat.

Add your sliced spring onions to the pan along with a drizzle of olive oil. Cook for 2 minutes then add the spinach stirring to wilt.

Spinach wilting

By the time your spinach has fully wilted the spaghetti wrapped fish should be done. Divide your fish between two plates along with your spinach and onion mix.

Dollop over the crème fraiche (as you will see below I didn’t use crème fraiche either) and sprinkle with the crispy bacon bits. Drizzle over some olive oil and finish with a generous pinch of black pepper.

Jamie Oliver 7 ways cookbook spaghetti wrapped white fish

Jamie Oliver’s Spaghetti-wrapped fish Full Recipe

Spaghetti wrapped fish recipe photo

Serves 2

Total 25 minutes


  • 60g Dried spaghetti

  • 2 x 125g white fish fillets

  • 1 tbsp Sun-dried tomato pesto

  • 2 Small sprigs of rosemary

  • 4 Spring onions sliced

  • 200g Baby spinach

  • 2 tbsp Creme fraiche

  • 2 rashers of smoked streaky bacon


  1. Preheat grill to high, cook the spaghetti in a pan of salted boiling water to the packet instructions then drain whilst running it under cold water.

  2. Season your fish with sea salt and pepper, then rub over the sun-dried tomato pesto.

  3. Divide your spaghetti into two and wrap the fish, securing by tying a knot in the spaghetti.

  4. Place on a well oiled baking tray, turn the rosemary sprigs in the oil to coat then tuck them into the spaghetti and grill for 10 minutes until the fish is just cooked through,

  5. Slice your bacon then cook in a large frying pan till crispy, remove your bacon and add your sliced spring onions to the pan along with a drizzle of olive oil. Toss for 2 minutes then add your spinach to wilt.

  6. Divide the fish and spinach mixture between two plates, top with a dollop of crème fraiche over the spinach mixture then sprinkle with crispy bacon bits and finish with a pinch of black pepper.

Enjoyed this recipe? Check out more recipes from chefs here or check out the below for more Jamie Oliver recipes.


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