The Alcohol Free Aperitif For Cocktail Lovers

If you’re looking to cut down on your alcohol intake or add some bittersweet complexities to your non-alcoholic cocktails, then I have just the product for you.

As I write this post, we are currently at the start of Sober October. The yearly movement to help people cut down on alcohol, either completely or just to take a break. All whilst raising funds for charity and challenging ourselves.

I’m here to help you along the way. Whether you’re trying sober October for the first time or you’re completely sober already and looking for some new recipes. I’ve partnered up with Aprtf to represent the brand throughout October and it’s finally time I share some information about them to you!

aprtf brand image

Aprtf is a small batch 0% aperitif that's recently hit the UK market, so I'm super excited to be representing them. Not least of all because the liquid inside that marvellously labelled bottle is delicious!

So, if you’re looking for sober October inspiration, non-alcoholic cocktail mixing inspiration or just looking for an adult mixer that you can add some sophisticated complexities to your drinks, then I’m here to help.

Mindful Drinking Product

You may already know, that mindful drinking is a big part of what I do. Mindful drinking is something a lot of people associate with going sober. However, that's not entirely the case. Mindful drinking also covers the movement of drinking less, drinking better and drinking in a more mindful fashion.

It’s about cutting down where you can, choosing more sustainable products, supporting the little guy and of course - drinking high quality drinks that don’t cut corners for profit. 

If you’re new to mindful drinking, check out my mindful drinking tab here. There's plenty of articles there to help you on your mindful drinking journey. You can also check out my Instagram the mindful mixologist where you will see that it's not all about sober drinking.

Now, if you have been on a mindful drinking journey for awhile, then you will know all about this movement. One thing you might have found, whether you're completely sober or just choosing to cut down, is that it can be difficult to find versatile products. Most non-alcoholic products work for a few good recipes but that's it.

Most of us fall in the category of low drinking. Which can be achieved easily when you have a versatile product that works well in both non-alcoholic and low alcoholic serves. But more on that shortly. First of all, what the hell even is Aprtf?

aprtf non alcoholic campari non alcoholic aperitif


Aprtf (pronounced aperitif) is a relatively new to the UK market 0% abv bitter aperitif. Low in calories, alcohol-free, gluten free, vegan and pregnant friendly, small batch Aperitif. Made with cranberries, citrus and wormwood. 

Basically, it’s your alcohol free alternative to Campari. In a world of gin, vodka, rum and various other spirit substitutes, Aprtf is a refreshing change. Perfect for adding those subtle bitter complexities to non-alcoholic cocktails but also for cutting down on the booze in hard-hitting cocktails. Without cutting down on flavour.

Non-Alcoholic Mixing

The most simplest way to try Aprtf is to mix 50ml with soda, ginger ale, tonic or whatever your favourite sparkling mixer is. 

However, that is just the start. Mixing Aprtf with your favourite non-alcoholic spirits is a great way to introduce bitter notes to alcohol free cocktails. Think on-alcoholic Negronis, Manhattans and other hard hitting classics that you didn’t think could be made alcohol free.

Non alcoholic aperitif cosmopolitan cocktail recipe

Pictured: Non alcoholic Aprtf Cosmopolitan made with Aprtf, Cranberry and Lime.

Low Alcoholic Mixing

One thing that's great about this new to the market product. Is that you have the versatility to really play around with it. So maybe you’re not sober, maybe non-alcoholic cocktails don’t interest you. Well that's okay, Aprtf can be mixed with alcoholic cocktails whilst cutting down the booze (or not).

Think of Aprtf as your adult mixer for cocktails. Adding a dash into your favourite cocktails and drinks just adds that extra summat summat.

Gin and tonic? Try adding 25ml of Aprtf to that G&T for some bittersweet goodness.

Old Fashioned? How about you swap out the Angostura bitters for a 10ml dash of Aprtf.

The possibilities are endless.

Low alcoholic boulevardier cocktail recipe

Pictured: A low alcoholic boulevardier for the mindful drinker. Made with Bourbon, Sweet vermouth and Aprtf.

Where to buy?

If you’re looking to buy Aprtf you can do so online right from their official online shop here.

You can also use that link to find out more about the brand and of course, find more recipes.

aprtf non alcoholic aperitif alcohol free campari

Campari for the no/low drinker

If there was one way to describe Aprtf to someone who just didn’t understand it. That would be a non-alcoholic Campari. With that comes a range of mixing possibilities. Want to cut down on your alcohol intake but still want a Negroni? Swap out the Campari for Aprtf and you’re good to go. 

A personal favourite of mine is the classic Americano. Something extremely low in alcohol but still makes you feel like you're drinking a classic. For this, I mix 25ml of sweet vermouth with 25ml of Aprtf in a tall glass and top it with cubed ice and soda water.

So how would you enjoy Aprtf? Let me know in the comments below.

Partnership Disclaimer: Yes, I am in a partnership with Aprtf but I would not recommend or promote any products on this website without first trying it and approving the product personally.


3 Low Alcoholic Aprtf Cocktails to try at home


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