7 Tips How to throw an Epic Oktoberfest Party at Home
How to throw a great Oktoberfest party from the comfort of your own home. Fit for 2 people or 200. Why go to Munich when you can bring Munich to you?
Okay so Oktoberfest is in full swing. You may be very well versed (or should I say wurst) in the going on’s of Oktoberfest.
Maybe you go to the official German festival every year. On the other hand, you may have never heard of Oktoberfest before and are just looking for a bit of fun.
Well don’t worry. If you like beer, dressing up, and good times. I’ve got you covered. Here's an idea for something to do this late September/October/whenever the hell you want! Not to be taken too seriously, very much to be enjoyed. These are my top tips to throwing an epic Oktoberfest party that’s sure to bring you some good times.
The Home Oktoberfest Party Bundle
Before we get into the tips. Check this out, it’s an entire party bundle complete with print-at-home decorations, bunting, toppers, wall art and games to help you host the best ever Oktoberfest and it’s currently on sale till the end of the month.
When to throw your Oktoberfest party
To throw your Oktoberfest Party, traditionally, even though Oktoberfest is called Oktoberfest, it actually takes place in September, not October.
It is held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany and is a 16 to 18 day folk festival running from mid or late September to the first Sunday in October.
However… If you want to hold your Oktoberfest party mid October, who’s to tell you that you can’t? Heck, hold it in June if you’d like.
Oktoberfest 2025
When is Oktoberfest 2024? Saturday September 20th and end on Sunday October 5th, 2025.
7 tips to throw an epic Oktoberfest party
So whether you’re looking to have an indoor party or you’re looking for backyard Oktoberfest party ideas. Then this is all applicable. So lets get into it.
#1 Oktoberfest Party Outfits
There are two types of outfits you need to make your Oktoberfest party epic. The first is dirndls (pronounced DEERN-dul) which are the dresses traditionally worn by women, they look like this:
The second is lederhosens (pronounced LAY-der-hozen) which are traditionally worn by men and look like this:
Whether you decide to go fully authentic and full on traditional, or mix it up and have men wear Dirndls and women wear Lederhosens, that's okay, what matters is that you get those outfits sorted first thing!
To get you started, check out this cheaper dirndl dress option on amazon..
If you want to splurge out a little then there is also this amazing option.
As for Lederhosens, here’s a cheaper option that would work well.
Once again you can get the more expensive option and go all out this is a great quality outfit that won’t fall apart mid way through the night.
Keep in mind just because men traditional wear lederhosens and men wear dirndl’s does not mean you have too.
This is 2025 and women can look just as good in lederhosens too…
Great options for lederhosens made for woman would be these;
#2 Decorations
What party is complete without decorations? Especially when we are talking about “epic” as a keyword. You need to go all out. I’m talking bunting. Which is an absolute must.
At the very least you need;
Pictured: Oktoberfest Decor
Oh, and DO NOT! Forget the Oktoberfest photo cut out for all those photo opportunities.
Looking for a cheaper option for Oktoberfest decorations?
I mentioned this above but I’ve put together a complete digital print-at-home Oktoberfest party bundle. You have 8 different choices for bunting as well as photo props, wall art, and cake toppers so you can fully decorate your home.
Because its print at home, it mean’s you don’t have to pay for the material or shipping which means you can decorate an entire house however much you want all for the price of the cheapest item on the decorations list above.
Check it out below.
You can also purchase it on Etsy if you prefer.
#3 Drink the right beer
Now you have your decorations sorted, its time to focus on the beer. This may just be the most important aspect of your party.
There are six traditional Munich breweries which are enjoyed at Oktoberfest. To make your party as authentically epic as possible.
You ideally want all 6 and only these 6. I just won’t allow you to sneak a few bottles of Stella into your party. Its just not on.
So here are your choices.
Most of which you can pick up from the UK in supermarkets such as Tesco or Asda. Paulaner is especially easy to get hold of and especially delicious.
Brew your own Oktoberfest Party Beer
I did mention you shouldn’t drink any other beer. However, I also mentioned this party is going to be epic, and an idea to help it along the way is to brew your own beer.
Now bare with me, I know this sounds daunting. But its really not. You’re only going to need a few of your homebrew beer bottles to make this epic.
Which means you only need a small batch of beer brewed and I happen to just of posted my all-grain Munich Beer recipe perfect for Oktoberfest.
It taste like a traditional Munich lager and is absolutely delicious. If you have more then 5 guests then consider giving each guest a single bottle to drink first. Its super easy to make and really cheap.
You need 4 weeks to allow for fermenting and bottle conditioning but all in all its a 2 day job. One day brewing and one day bottling.
After which your Oktoberfest party will be the talk of the town. Just imagine it “Oh yeah, they threw an Oktoberfest party and we had a bottle of there homebrewed Oktoberfest one of a kind special edition never been made before beer” Who knows, your party might be a yearly event spoken highly off. Move aside Heidi Klum and your Epic Halloween party. Now its time for Steve and Karen’s Oktoberfest extravaganza.
You can get the full recipe for my Oktoberfest beer here.
And remember, whatever you decide to drink, don’t forget to use these beer tasting sheets to rate your beer.
#4 Glassware
This is going to be a quick tip but all so important. And that’s glassware. At Oktoberfest, you will be drinking from 1litre steins. Having them just completes the vibe.
So shop around or just pick these basic ones up from amazon and have them delivered tomorrow in preparation for your party.
That way you can throw out those old Amstel pint glasses you stole from that pub that one time and start drinking like a proper German.
German Pint Glasses
#5 Food
After beer, food is the next important factor. People get hungry. So what kind of food will you be serving?
If there’s only a couple of you, a great idea is just to cook a full German styled dinner. However, if there’s more then 3 of you then you might be better of with just a smorgasbord of snacks.
Heres a list of foods you want to get prepping;
Brezen (pretzels)
Würstl (sausages)
Steckerlfisch (grilled fish on a stick)
Gebrannte Mandeln (German Candied Almonds )
Obatzda (Bavarian Cheese Spread)
#6 Music is a must
You want to get those German tunes blasting. A simple search for German music playlists or Oktoberfest Music should get the job done.
#7 Oktoberfest Party Games
What party is complete without party games? And for Oktoberfest, I have 7 totally on theme ideas that take little to no equipment and are all kinds of fun.
1. Yodelling competition
When in Bavaria, do as the Bavarians do. Yodelling contests are a common feature at Oktoberfest celebrations.
2. Beer drinking
Oktoberfest isn’t complete until you have a competition to find the fastest beer drinker at the party. Either go head to head last drop wins or line up in teams.
The second person in your team can’t start until the person next to them has finished. The team with no beer at the end wins.
Beer drinking rules
Can't spill a single drop.
If playing in teams, the second member can not touch their stein until the previous member has completely finished and the stein hits the table.
3. Beer stein race
This competition tests not just how many steins you balance in your hands, but also how far you can go without spilling a drop.
This one also makes great practise for when you’re out in a bar and its your round. Getting back to your table in a busy bar with an armful of drinks and not spilling any. Talent
Beer stein race rules
Grab hold of as many steins filled to the 1 litre mark as possible and run the length of your course (probably one side of your garden and back).
Winner is the person who runs the course the fastest and with the most steins.
You cant spill a single drop!
You could also do this with one stein and simply focus on who can go the fastest if you’re lacking a vast amount of empty steins.
You may also use water and not beer as to not waste precious beer.
4. Masskrugstemmen
Masskrugstemmen is generally played in groups. Compete by holding a 1 liter Stein filled with your choice of Hofbrau beer, with one arm, completely stretched out and parallel to the floor. You must hold the Stein as long as possible in this position.
Masskrugstemmen rules:
The mass must be full to the liter mark (not the very top).
Participants must hold the stein out in front of them – not to the side.
Using either the right or left arm is fine, but the one not holding the mug must be down at their side (and they can’t switch arms halfway through).
They have to hold the mug by the handle, keeping their thumb off the top of the handle.
No spilling!
5. Keg Throwing
This one only works if you’ve gone the extra mile and purchased a keg for your party. It also only works if you have a garden, unless you want to break your floor boards that is.
The gist is simple. Whoever can throw an empty keg the furthest wins.
Rules for keg throwing
Everyone starts at the same marker.
Do not throw your keg at people. That would hurt.
6. Pretzel eating contest
Each participant is given a large Bavarian soft pretzel. The winner is determined by who finishes their pretzel first. (More than one pretzel can be used if they aren’t very big.)
Rules for pretzel eating
(thats something I never thought id say)
Eating starts when the whistle is blown.
Now soaking your pretzel. The pretzel must be dry.
Winner is the one to swallow the last bite first.
7. German spelling bee
German words are difficult. I mean, Streichholzschächtelchen is a box of matches. Like, come on! I cant even pronounce it never mind say it.
A good twist on the spelling bee is also the “what does it mean” game. Lets call that game 7.5. Basically you list a bunch of words and people need to figure out what they mean. 7.8 would be to try and pronounce German words. The closest one wins.
Here’s a few difficult to spell, difficult to understand, and difficult to pronounce words.
Streichholzschächtelchen - box of matches
Brötchen: bread roll
Rührei: scrambled eggs
Eichhörnchen – squirrel
Quietscheentchen – rubber ducky
Schlittschuhlaufen: ice skating
Fünfhundertfünfundfünfzig: five hundred fifty-five
And there we have it. 7 ways to help you throw the most epic Oktoberfest party ever! Remember to drink responsibly (lol) and send any photos of your epic Oktoberfest party straight to me to add on Smartblend and my Instagram @mindful_mixologist
And of course, for more games, and some added extras, don’t forget to check out that party bundle.
Frequently Asked Oktoberfest Questions
Are Oktoberfest costumes offensive?
That depends on how you wear the outfit and why. Strictly speaking some Germans may find it offensive, some may not. Generally speaking, if you’re dressing up for Oktoberfest it will be okay, as it’s generally accepted to wear those outfits.
To make sure you don’t accidently offend anyone, I’d stay clear of trying to act German or put on a German accent.
It’s also a good idea to do a little bit of research on the clothing you choose to wear. That way you can respect the culture whilst honouring it, instead of just trying to “look German”
What are Oktoberfest outfits called?
Authentic outfits for Oktoberfest in Munich are called Tracht (Tra-oct) Most often this word refers to clothing, although it can also describe a way of cutting one's hair (Haartracht) or beard (Barttracht).
The outfits you see Women wear at Oktoberfest are traditional dirndl (DEERN-dul) dresses. Men wear lederhosens (LAY-der-hozen).
What are Oktoberfest beers?
How big are Oktoberfest steins?
1 litre, or 33.8 ounce.
When does Oktoberfest start?
Oktoberfest begins on a Saturday in September and runs for around two weeks ending on the first Sunday of October. Oktoberfest 2025 will begin on Saturday September 20th and end on Sunday October 5th, 2025.
Where is Oktoberfest held?
Why is Oktoberfest in september?
The first ever Oktoberfest was held in the first week of October over 5 days, but it was so popular that it became an annually event, each year going for longer and longer.
Eventually the dates moved into September as it was less cold and the days were longer, as oppose to going further into October to lengthen the festivities.
Why is Oktoberfest celebrated?
The first Oktoberfest was a celebration of the marriage between Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen, during which time the citizens of Munich were invited to eat and drink while enjoying live music and watching parades.
The party ended with a horse race at the edge of town.
When was the first ever Oktoberfest
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Hi, I’m Cameron, guv’nor of Smartblend and author of this article. If you liked this, check out some of the similar articles below.