Sodastream review - Is it worth it?
Recently I got myself one of the infamous Sodastreams that everyone seems to be talking about. And figured why the hell not. Lets review it.
Because like many of you, I had a lot of questions prior to using my Sodastream which I’m sure you will too.
So if you’re interested in buying a Sodastream or about to make the purchase and asking yourself can you only use it for water? Is it worth buying a Sodastream? How much money does it work out per glass? Then hold on!
I’ve crunched the numbers, did the maths and experimented on your behalf to answer your questions. Starting with...
Which sodastream should I buy? And what does it all mean!!!
So you have the option of 6 different Sodastreams.
First, are the 4 ‘classics’
Sodastream Spirit
The Sodastream Spirit is your classic option. Basically it has one button on the top and you press it a number of times depending on how fizzy you want your sparkling water.
Sodastream One touch
The Sodastream One touch is basically exactly the same in design except it's electric and there are 3 buttons on the top instead of one.
The 3 buttons are different levels of carbonation. Basically, it's £10 more expensive than the classic Sodastream spirit and for that extra £10 instead of pressing a button 5 times you press it once.
My recommendation? Not worth it. But like I said, it’s electric, so that’s cool.
Sodastream Genesis
The Sodastream genesis works pretty much exactly like the original. The difference between the Sodastream Genesis and other Sodastreams, is the way it looks.
Which doesn’t sound like much, but considering the price is basically the same, its a good idea to check it out in case it fits your aesthetic more then the classic.
Then, you have the new models;
Once again, another from their range which is exactly the same as the classic apart from a slightly different look.
I love the fact they keep releasing different models that work the same with different looks but it doesn’t half get confusing. I wish they would just name all the ones that work the same with different looks Sodastream 1, Sodastream 2, Sodastream 3 etc. and leave the clever naming for the ones with different functionalities.
The Sodastream art is an interesting model because instead of using a button, you use a handle.
Which is a nod to the early soda streams and soda siphons that dinners would use back in the day before bottled carbonated drinks were a thing.
Basically it’s a retro design.
Finally we have the Sodastream Duo, the only difference here is that it works with both glass bottles and plastic. Once again, a personal preference.
My Sodastream recommendation
If you're wondering which Sodastream to buy, then my recommendation is the Sodastream Terra - Which if you’re in America, is this exact one. If you’re in the UK, it’s this one.
It's the cheapest option and the classic. If you want your water in a nice crystal carafe then just buy a crystal carafe and pour it in once you have your sparkling water.
How much does it cost and is it worth it?
Money money money, that's the big question people have when wondering about sodastreams.
Firstly, you don’t need to go to their official website to buy the sodastream. You can get one for cheaper on Amazon and the best part about it? It’s from the official sodastream store. Which if you’re in the UK is this one, and if you’re in the USA it’s this one.
Which means it comes from exactly the same place as all the other official sodastreams. The difference being you get it cheaper just by avoiding the official website.
Notice the sellers name? Sodastream store. Notice the price? Cheaper then on there official website.
The next question you will have is how much does it work out per glass or bottle. Considering the fact that once you have your sodastream, it’s not an endless supply of sparkling water.
You need to refill the gas right? Which you can also get on Amazon here.
As for how much sodastream will cost per glass/bottle. I’ve done the working out for you below! You’re welcome (if you’re American you will have to convert this)
One gas canister = £22.99
Each gas canister will carbonate up to 60 litres of water.
Let's assume every glass is 330ml of sparkling water as that’s what you would get out of a can of pop. Plus its a nice size. None of this 200ml serving malarkey.
22.99 ÷ 60000ml x 330ml = 0.126445p per 330ml glass Lets round that up to 13p per 330ml glass for ease.
Or 0.3831666666666667p per litre
How to use
How do you use your sodastream? Easy as 1, 2, 3.
Slot the gas canister into the back (a gas canister will come included if you get this one)
Fill your bottle with cold water and slot it in the front
Press the top button till you’re satisfied. 3 presses lightly sparkling 5 medium 7 highly sparkling.
As mentioned above. One standard canister will carbonate up to 60 L (60,000ml) of water. Each canister is £22.99 if you get it from Amazon here.
Which means after your initial purchase of the sodastream itself and first canister. Once you run out of gas. From then on if you have a 330ml glass (same amount as say, a can of coke) then that will be 13p per glass (rounding up) or 38p a litre. Not bad, not bad at all.
Flavouring your sodastream sparkling water
Keep in mind that sodastream doesn’t just provide you with cheaply made sparkling water. You can also flavour your soda with a variety of different syrups and cordials. Sodastream has their own line of flavoured syrups but you can pour just about any syrup you want into your sparkling water.
Or make your own. I have plenty of recipes right here on Smartblend for different sugar syrups you can check out.
If you're a bar nerd like myself then sodastream is perfect for cocktails. Creating your own sparkling and unique creations at a hit of a button.
All in all I highly recommend the Sodastream spirit. For the price it works out, if you're a fan of bubbly drinks it’s perfect. Below I’ve briefly answered a few more questions you might have.
Is Sodastream easy to use?
Yes. Super easy, couldn’t be any easier if you ask me!
Is it worth buying Sodasteam?
Completely. If you drink more than 1 glass of sparkling water or soda a day then sodastream is completely worth it. Especially from a health perspective as when you’re adding your own syrups into soda you have more control over how much you add.
Is Sodastream soda better for you?
As mentioned above. When adding your own syrups to your homemade soda. You have a lot more control over what goes in and generally there is less artificial flavourings meaning it’s a hell of a lot more healthy for you.
Are Sodastream eco friendly?
Considering you won’t be using single use bottles. Sodastream is a very sustainable alternative for all your soda needs. You can even buy smaller bottles for on the go here.
How long does it take till my sparkling water goes flat?
About 2 weeks if you have the lid on and keep it in the fridge.
Can sodastream be used for carbonating wine or juice?
Well… on their website they say a firm “no” just water. Anything else will risk damaging your sodastream or making a big fizzy mess when it explodes. However… I have indeed successfully carbonated juice. I just make sure to only fill the bottle half way, lightly sparkle it and leave it attached till it calms down. But remember, if you do decide to sparkle up anything other than water. That’s on you not me!
Do I recommend any add ons?
When buying a Sodastream, you may get sucked in by all the pretty add ones - flavours, bottles, etc.
By all means buy whatever you want. But as for my recommendations.
When it comes to bottles, I recommend the 500ml bottle which you can take with you on the go. I find that pouring the sparkling water from the bottle it comes with into a bottle I can easily carry around with me usually loses the fizz.
There ‘on the go’ bottles can be used to create the soda and is the perfect shape for keeping in that fizz.
You can get them here
As for all the flavours, I’ll split this into UK and USA.
Firstly, UK, I’d recommend
For the USA, I’d recommend
The sodastream bubly drops variety pack. That way you can try multiple flavours and any you don’t like, well, at least you didn’t buy a full pack of them.
Hi, I’m Cameron, guv’nor of Smartblend and author of this article. If you enjoyed this guide, you may just like some of the others below.