NEW drinks podcast launched 2021 - Nightcap

Here’s the 411 on everything you need to know about Nightcap - The podcast exploring myth and murder, lies and legends in the world of drinks.

First look at the Nightcap Podcast cover

First look at the Nightcap Podcast cover

Recently things have been a little quiet here on Smartblend. But it’s not because I’ve been slacking off. No no no. On the contrary. I’ve been working on a new project, a podcast, aimed at everyone from professional bartenders to drink enthusiasts and everyone in-between.

Watch the introduction episode and episode 1 here on Smartblend. Spotify, Stitcher or Amazon Music.

The podcast in a nutshell

Nightcap is (in a nutshell) a podcast about myth and murder, lies and legends in the world of drinks. Hosted by drinks expert, bartender and hospitality guru turned freelance drinks educator, Cameron Fielding. (hey! That’s me!) Nightcap is the informal, laid-back retelling of stories throughout the past and present that have been influenced by drinks.

Perfect for anyone who likes a good story, good drink or good time!

Simply put, the Podcast will be a retelling of different stories, both true stories and myths. From serial killers, Gangsters (im looking at you Al Capone!) Pirates, Aztec gods, counterfeit wine scandals, Bourbon Heists and much much more. 

Throughout these stories, you may just learn a thing or two about drinks that you didn't know before. However, for the most part, it will just be a good o’fashioned story time.

Who will enjoy this Podcast?

Everyone! The beauty about this podcast is that it doesn’t just focus on drinks from the point of view of an expertise or knowledge base. What I mean by that is, it's not about how drinks are made, how to enjoy them or what they are. Sure, throughout each episode there will be trinkets of knowledge throughout. But that's not the focus. Meaning if you know nothing about drinks, booze, cocktails or wine. Well, you can still listen and understand the full series.

Likewise if you’re on the other side of that scale. If you happen to know a lot about drinks, booze, cocktails and wine. Then you can still listen in without getting bored. It's not about 30-50 minutes of cramming facts down your ear canals. It's about retelling stories throughout history that happen to have been influenced by a certain drink or booze in one way or another.

Take episode one for example - the rise and fall of absinthe. This is a retelling of how wine producers created smear campaigns to tarnish the reputation of absinthe, how Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Earnest Hemingway and Oscar Wilde used absinthe for creative inspiration and how when Jean Lanfray went on a murderous rampage it caused an almost 100 year ban of Absinthe.

Sure, throughout the episode we talk about the key details of what absinthe is. But the focus is really on those interesting stories, told in a laid-back informal manner. Meaning you don’t have to know anything about absinthe to enjoy it, and you also can know everything about absinthe and still enjoy it. 

How this podcast came about

The idea of doing a podcast has always been something of interest to me. However, if I was ever going to do it. I’d need to be 100% satisfied with the idea. 

Being the mindful_mixologist and this here gaffer of Smartblend, it just had to be a drinks podcast. But, I never wanted to do one of these “let's invite other drinks experts to talk about everything from there personal life to drinks” podcast. You know, the “bartenders podcast for bartenders” type of format. Not that there's anything wrong with those, they are great podcasts! I listen to a good few myself.

However, they have been done before. And done very well. So well in fact, I would have to ask myself, what can I bring to the table?

The second issue I have is with a podcast that can only be enjoyed by a certain type of person. I could talk about life working in bars, but I don't like the idea that it can only be enjoyed by fellow bar workers and bar workers only. I could do a podcast about mixology, spirits and crafting the perfect cocktail. But then what about all my beer and wine drinkers? 

There was an idea to turn some of the ultimate spirit guides I've created into podcast episodes where people could listen in and learn about booze, wine, spirits, cocktails and everything in-between without having to read long form articles. But that idea had issues in itself, mainly being you have to intently listen to them, otherwise you don't know what's going on. And a lot of what's said may come across as patronising to people who maybe don't understand the drink in question as well as others.

Then it came to me. Nightcap.

Why Nightcap?

The idea I finally settled on was this idea for Nightcap. One thing I've picked up on from my times of training face to face, whether it's professional bartenders or masterclasses for people who don't know much about alcohol, is that both those types of people can enjoy a good story.

If those stories involve a dram or two of a certain type of drink then all the better. It’s the stories that are interesting. Drinks have been around since the beginning of time, whether you are on a scientific or religious side of things, whether you like fiction or fact, whether you like old timey stories or modern day ones. There is a drink story for you.

Some things that I've found within drink research are so interesting and yet almost unheard of. Drinks have influenced almost everything from the way we enjoy drinks today, to the way we see certain figures. Drinks have even had a big hand in shaping governments and religions. 

So throughout this series that is Nightcap. I will sit down once a week, at night (hence the name) and retell my favourite stories influenced by booze from myth and murder, lies and legends. All whilst having a nightcap of my own.

Where can you listen to the Nightcap Podcast?

Nightcap will be released on all major platforms. Simply search in your preferred podcast listening app or directory for nightcap until you see that turquoise nightcap logo.

If it's not yet available on those apps then you can listen right here on the Smartblend website. 

Currently, nightcap is also on Spotify, Amazon Music and Stitcher.

A community podcast

Something I’d like to get across with this podcast is a community feel. Like I said, this is a very laid-back retelling of stories. I won't be seeking big names to jump in on the podcast, instead, I want to hear from you. 

So, if there's any stories you have on drinks, either historical or even personal. Then get in touch! DM me on the mindful mixologist, contact me here or comment on this page. Let me know your interesting stories or anything you want to share on the podcast. Lets build this Nightcap community of people informally telling stories influenced by the world of drinks! Good times, Good drinks and good stories!

You can check out the introduction episode to nightcap RIGHT HERE

Or check out the very first episode of Nightcap which has just launched - “The murders that caused a 100 year ban of Absinthe”

Sign up below for updates when each episode is released and where to listen in.


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